Buder Park Launch Report – Mike Fischer 9/21/2013

Buder Park SLRA club launch Five attending, two with wife and kids, one with wife. Dave, Aaron, John, me & ? (I’ve got to learn everyone’s name. Maybe I’ll get a pack of labels.)
Sunny, cool. Winds gusty and variable. I had my launcher set up and ready to go… and the controller died. Luckily others were available.
Two rockets lost. One was Dave’s PMC X-15. (sob) A few were damaged including a helicopter whose burn thread didn’t burn. All seem repairable.
My Wizard and Gyroc were damaged in transit. (!@#$%^&*) The Gyroc still turned in a nice flight.
My good flights were a Big Bertha, Viking, Trifecta, Breakaway, Delta Wedge and the aforementioned Gyroc. D-Region Tomahawk and Warp II were scrubbed because of the variable winds. Wizard scrubbed because of transit damage.
Lots more good launches. Several others were scrubbed because of the winds. The Super Mosquito was great. John had two helicopters on piston launchers.
All had fun, exercise and an improved suntan.
The air show was excellent and we had a good view of the aerobatics. How those guys can stall, spin out and recover with no sensory feedback is totally beyond me.

(From Heino - Thanks Mike for writing this - it is great to get launch reports and I wanted to put this on the front page so everyone would see it.)