Update: Weather Forecast Not Favorable for Spooktacular (88% Chance of Precipitation)

Fellow SLRAers,

The forecast is not favorable for Saturday's Spooktacular Night Launch event, The rain chance for Saturday evening is now 88% and the winds are still projected to be out of the North/Northwest. That means we will not be able to use the pavilion for shelter. We'll need lots of shade/rain canopies. We should have a pretty good idea on Friday evening what the weather is going to be Saturday for our event. Keep your eyes peeled to the SLRA website and I'll strive to get the notice out late Friday or early Saturday.

Let me know if you can provide any of the following: Generator, canopy, tables for hot dog/chili feast, hot dogs, buns, ketchup, mustard, relish plates, napkins, plastic utensils, bowls.

The Wash U contingent is bringing chili.

NOTE: There is no backup date for this event as the Night-Launch Permit is only good for Saturday and Sunday looks to be rainy throughout the day/evening

Happy Rocketeering!! Secretary Dave